Blogs > Lighten Up with Bob Kaseda

Bob Kaseda of Kirtland finished second in Lighten Up a few years ago, but came back because he saw the weight creeping back on. He's competitive, and works hard, so he's expecting big results.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Week 18

Hi Everyone, I like to think of myself as a positive motivated energetic person.  I am also a energetic and sometimes, impatient outside salesman that has learned to be patient. You see in my sales career things don't always happen as fast as I would like them to happen and I have learned over my many years in the sales game, that being consistent and hard working will payoff in the end. The same rules apply with weigh loss and I realize that my goals might not happen as fast as I want them to happen (Just like closing a sale). I wanted to reach a very large goal of 100 pound weight loss, but I have hit a solid plateau that will not even let me past 1/4 of the way to my huge goal. I have learned so much of the last 5 years of my life with the ultimate range of weigh going from the highest I have ever weighed at 300lbs+ to a high school weight of close to 200lbs and everywhere in between. Some may be ready to end this crazy contest, but I will miss this when it ends in July and I want to make the most of it while it lasts. I could go on and on but I need to get up and go crawl, walk or run. Good luck and be strong. Bob  


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